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The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

Students learn how other cultures celebrate the new year at Lunar New Year.

Clubs host first Lunar New Year event

Jacob Dear, Daily Editor January 24, 2020

Students celebrated AACC’s first Lunar New Year event Friday in the SUN Dining Hall. The Korean Culture club, Japanese Culture club, and the Campus Board of Activities hosted and co-sponsored the...

English professor Candice Hill

Learning communities and sections use themes

Jacob Hudson, Associate Editor January 22, 2020

Three sections of English 102 will focus on themes related to fields of interest, or FOIs: Section 020: Uncovering Academic Identity, FOI: Criminal Justice Section 033: Reinventing Ourselves: Stories...

Associate Judge Elizabeth S. Morris of the Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit

Judge speaks at 39th Annual MLK Memorial Breakfast

Christian Richey, Editor-in-Chief January 22, 2020

The keynote speaker for the 39th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast said on Jan. 20 the civil rights leader’s actions and advocacy inspired her to “always do what is right.” King’s...

English professor Candice Hill

English 102 teachers choose special themes

Jacob Hudson, Associate Editor January 22, 2020

Some English 102 courses will focus on themes such as social justice, Woodstock and apartheid this semester. This is the first semester AACC will offer English 102, which replaced English 112. English...

Trucks sits in front of construction on AACC Arnold campus.

Ring Road opens up, construction continues

Jacob Hudson, Associate Editor January 22, 2020

AACC reopened Ring Road in January. Ring Road had previously been closed since December 2018 because of the construction on the Health and Life Sciences Building. Jim Taylor, director of facilities...

A legal opinion requested by Campus Current editors says AACC Athletics may be violating the First Amendment rights of its players and coaches.

Lawyer talks First Amendment rights at AACC

Brayden Nazarian, Sports Editor December 3, 2019

A lawyer for the Student Press Law Center said in November he believes AACC Athletics is violating the First Amendment rights of the college’s coaches and student athletes. SPLC senior legal counsel...

Political science professor Dan Nataf leads AACC's biannual survey.

Changes made to AACC biannual survey

Amber Nathan, Editor-in-Chief December 3, 2019

The campus group that conducts a biannual survey of Anne Arundel County residents will no longer be called the Center for the Study of Local Issues. In addition, for the first time this year, that survey...

AACC adds bright yellow warning labels on emails originating from outside of the college.

AACC combats phishing

Amber Nathan, Editor-in-Chief December 3, 2019

AACC added bright yellow warning labels on emails originating outside of the college as of Nov. 5. These labels are to prevent phishing, which is when someone attempts to steal information from an individual...

Students, faculty and staff at AACC participate in drives and charity events to help the needy during the holiday season.

AACC full of giving this holiday season

Amber Nathan, Editor-in-Chief December 3, 2019

AACC faculty, staff and students are collecting food and raising money for students and the community this holiday season. This year, charity events included food drives and fundraisers. “One of...

More than 30 families are on the waitlist for the Child Development Center at AACC.

Child Development Center at AACC has long waitlist

Amber Nathan, Editor-in-Chief December 3, 2019

The AACC Child Development Center’s daytime program is not accepting any additional children this fall, and the director anticipates CDC will stay full during the spring. More than 30 families are...

New "pop-up" courses at AACC will cover hot-button topics such as the impeachment hearings.

AACC adds pop-up courses to academic options

Christian Richey, Associate Editor December 3, 2019

AACC faculty can now create temporary “pop-up” classes revolving around current events. Dr. Michael Gavin, AACC’s vice president for learning, said the courses could either cover topics relating...

Literacy professor Forrest Caskey is in the middle of an email dispute between faculty.

Faculty email dispute results in incivility

Christian Richey, Associate Editor December 3, 2019

An email exchange by AACC faculty in late October led to incivility and unprofessional responses, according to some of the participants. An email sent Oct. 28 by literacy professor Forrest Caskey...

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