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The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

First-year transfer studies student Izzy Chase says being a Jew is an important part of her identity. If you experience bias on campus, you can reach out to

Respect my Jewish Identity

Izzy Chase, Reporter April 7, 2023

I love being Jewish. It’s a core part of my identity. Lately, though, I can’t help but feel that my safety as a Jewish person has been compromised. I now have to be careful with what I say and who...

The student journalists at Campus Current have the same legal protections as any other journalists and therefore cannot be barred from public events or censored by a public institution.

1st Amendment protects media freedom

Editorial Board April 7, 2023

Did you know that if a student club or other organization at a public college like AACC decides to ban the media from an open event, it also must ban all students from the event? That’s because it’s...

First-year graphic design student Mary Turner says though math is intimidating, most people are more capable than they realize.

The secret to surviving math

Mary Turner, Graphic Designer January 31, 2023

I love math. I used to do my math homework for fun. Earlier today I used trigonometry to calculate something I could have simply eyeballed. I am an anomaly. For most people, mathematics is that hated...

Megan Cunningham playing softball

Athletes: 3 busy schedule tips

Megan Cunningham, Reporter January 24, 2023

Early morning gym sessions, classes, study hall and practice are things that every student-athlete is familiar with. Being a student-athlete at AACC has opened my eyes to the realities of stress, deadlines...

Newspapers have a duty to the public to report the news, regardless of how controversial the topic is. At Campus Current, you, the reader, are our public.

Opinion: Good news isn’t always good news

Zack Buster, Editor-in-Chief January 23, 2023

News, by definition, is a report of recent events, trends and topics of interest to the public. But what happens when that news sparks controversy? When a political candidate says something that offends...

Campus Current Associate Editor Sam Gauntt in the newsroom

College experience: up to you

Sam Gauntt, Associate Editor November 18, 2022

It was 6 p.m. on a late November Thursday last year and the last blotches of crimson sunlight were dancing on my wall while I took an online exam.  Sitting in my room struggling with logarithms, I...

Actors Amanda Matousek and Jackson Bondurant perform in the Moonlight Troupers' production of "Antigone," running Nov. 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 in the Kauffman Theater.

Moonlight Troupers bring ‘Antigone’ into modern world

Tomi Brunton, Reporter November 12, 2022

Friday night’s production of “Antigone” by Theatre AACC was the first community college play I have ever seen and it couldn’t have been a better introduction. “Antigone” has been a classic...

Every student should vote this November. Your vote matters now more than ever.

Students: Your Vote Matters

Editorial Board November 8, 2022

Imagine how much you could accomplish if you got to choose who makes the decisions that directly affect your life. Well, you can. That is, you can if you vote. Every time you walk into a voting...

Diversity training shouldn’t just be for faculty. Students should get training as well.

Diversity isn’t just for faculty

Editorial Board October 27, 2022

The student journalists at Campus Current applaud our college’s administration for making diversity a priority on campus and for offering training in diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism to faculty...

With a little effort, anyone can craft a fashionable style that’s uniquely theirs. Shown, Campus Current Editor-in-Chief Zack Buster styling on the Quad.

Dress your best, be your best

Zack Buster, Editor-In-Chief October 25, 2022

The clothes you wear say a lot about you, so why not say something good? Looking put together can help send the message that you take your college career seriously, and it can even make you feel more...

The SGA office

SGA: Speak up for students

Editorial Board August 29, 2022

The Student Government Association is the vital link between students and administration, and just like every leadership organization, it could be even stronger. Specifically, SGA leaders could be more...

Jenna Lagoey

Keep copies of what you love

Jenna Lagoey, Senior Reporter August 29, 2022

On one of the worst mornings of my life, I woke up to find that one of my favorite bands had removed all of its music from Spotify. I was devastated. I searched everywhere: Bandcamp, Spotify, YouTube,...

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