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The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

Try out a trade program to be sure of your interests, says Tre Mooring.

Be sure, be bold, be you

August 25, 2017

As an alumnus of AACC, I believe all students should consider learning a trade along with getting a formal education. When I chose AACC, I knew I wanted to work in a field that would have an impact...

Campus Current is looking for more student opinions, says Editor-in-Chief Roxanne Ready

Letter from the editor: Make AACC your school

Roxanne Ready, Editor-in-Chief August 25, 2017

Welcome new Riverhawks, returning students, and faculty and staff to the start of another academic year at AACC. Fall semester is a time of excitement and change. As the leaves begin to turn and the...

Elizabeth Spearman (left) and Sarah Noble say events in Charlottesville prove Millennials must not ignore racism.

Millennials should take a stand for equality

Sarah Noble and Elizabeth Spearman August 25, 2017

At 20 years old, James Alex Fields allegedly injured 19 people and killed one with his car earlier this month in Charlottesville, Virginia. He’s about the same age as we are. And we’ve seen endless...

Turnitin is a website that allows students and professors to turn in a paper to see if it is plagiarized.

10 tips to avoid copying work

Campus Current Staff May 1, 2017

If you give yourself plenty of time to write a paper, you’re less likely to cheat on it. If you understand the instructions and follow them to the letter, you’re less likely to cheat. If you take care...

Kevin Pollock recieved a one-year suspension from college for cheating.

Current Perspective: Consequence follows action

Kevin Pollock, Guest Columnist May 1, 2017

The story of when I cheated involves a rather unfair experience for me, because the consequences far outweighed the actions. At a university in Maine, some classmates and I were assigned to do a group...

Current Perspective: ‘I’ve heard it all before’

May 1, 2017

In my five years as a professor at AACC, I’ve heard lots of excuses for plagiarism. Here are some of them, along with my reactions. I waited too long to start the essay. (Agreed!) I didn’t have...

David Kirchner will graduate after four years.

Current Perspective: Education is not a race

David Kirchner, Guest Columnist May 1, 2017

I am going to graduate this month—after attending AACC for four years. I’ve been here so long because I believe it’s important to take your time with college and figure out what you want to do...

Life after commencement will have risks; do not be hesitant

Campus Current Staff May 1, 2017

You’re walking up the aisle to take your seat with many others around you. You hear your family from a distance cheering for you as if you have just won a marathon. You stand and walk across the stage. Just...

Technology and social media have made conversation and human interaction decrease.

Campus Current encourages everyone to limit phone use

March 31, 2017

Picture this scene. You’re walking outside underneath a beautiful, eve- ning glow. The sun shines its incandescent rays, now a fading, dim orange, onto the sidewalk in front of you. The sky above...

Nyia Curtis is involved with six different clubs.

Current Perspective: Failure feeds passion

Nyia Curtis, Guest Columnist March 31, 2017

Oprah Winfrey once said, “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” For me, passion equals greatness. I learned that after I dropped out...

Mark Davis has lived in Maryland since the beginning of the semester.

Current Perspective: Settling into America

Mark Davis, Guest Columnist March 1, 2017

I arrived in the U.S. from my homeland in England a few months ago. My plan: to try everything. I’ve yet to have any Maryland crab cakes, which I’ve been told are the best in the country. I’m...

Students who seek change in society must be ready to go out and achieve it for themselves.

AACC community should seek to stay unified in coming year

Campus Current Staff March 1, 2017

For anyone who has been near any kind of media since the beginning of the year, you know that the country that we live in has gone through some changes that for some, may not be smooth, and for others,...

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