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The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

Workfare transcends Welfare in Econ debate

Workfare transcends Welfare in Econ debate

Tony Petro, Club News Editor November 3, 2016

Two teams faced off Tuesday, debating whether Welfare recipients should be actively seeking work or not as a requirement for benefits, and the team arguing for recipients working took home the victory...

SGA approved new Ren Club constitution

SGA approved new Ren Club constitution

Tony Petro, Club News Editor October 31, 2016

The Student Government Association approved a new club’s constitution in October a week after it rejected it because of a policy allowing the group to remove officers who are inactive. SGA members...

The Nest props up AACC clubs

The Nest props up AACC clubs

Tony Petro, Club News Editor October 31, 2016

Student clubs have a new online tool to help them manage their organizations. The Nest, which the Office of Student Engagement introduced last semester, is one accessible location for all of AACC’s...

Students gather during the charity trip last year.

Habitat for Humanity to take trip to Mississippi

Grace Koehne, Reporter October 31, 2016

Members of the AACC chapter of Habitat for Humanity will volunteer during spring break building houses for families in need in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Ten AACC students will be able to make the trip...

Austin Visk performs on the piano during October's Amaranth Coffee House.

Amaranth club hosts coffee house

Trevor Gardner, Reporter October 18, 2016

AACC’s Amaranth club held their monthly Amaranth Coffee House last Wednesday, featuring 13 different performers. The club’s monthly coffee house setting allows any student to showcase their artistic...

Johnny Earle aka Johnny Cupcakes visits AACC to talk about his success as an entrepreneur. He began his first business at 12 years old.

Entrepreneur offers advice

Mary McKiel, Campus Life Editor September 30, 2016

The secret to running a successful business, says Johnny Earle, aka Johnny Cupcakes, “is making sure you do what you love.” Earle, an entrepreneur whose business sells T-shirts, visited the campus...

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