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Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

The award-winning newspaper of Anne Arundel Community College.

Campus Current

English professor Dave Meng discusses his experience as a parent of a transgender child.

Celebrations of LGBTQ include drag show, films, comedy

Shelby Vetter, Reporter November 1, 2017

AACC celebrated Coming Out Week with a drag show, a comedy performance and a panel during which students told their personal stories. Students observed Coming Out Week from Oct. 6 through Oct. 13 to address...

Michelle Thaller, astronomer and astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard center, led a discussion about Cassini.

Assistant director of science at NASA comes to AACC

Shelby Vetter, Reporter October 31, 2017

The assistant director of science at NASA headquarters spoke to AACC students on Saturday about the success of Cassini and other planetary missions. Michelle Thaller, astronomer and astrophysicist at...

AACC Legal Studies Club Welcomed Immigration Law Experts for Panel

Sarah Alonso, Photographer October 30, 2017

Lawyers from a federal agency, a Maryland university, and a Baltimore-area charity explained visas, immigration and immigrant services at AACC on Oct. 24th. Department of Justice Attorney Dan Smulow...

Students displayed their talents at Amaranth's open mic night on Oct. 18.

Amaranth’s open mic night numbers rise

Michael Garvey, Reporter October 20, 2017

For the second month in a row Amaranth’s coffee house has a full lineup on Oct. 18. This month there were seventeen performances, performances ranged from poets, musicians, singers, novelists, and...

S.O.D.A club celebrates Disability Awareness Month

S.O.D.A club celebrates Disability Awareness Month

Hailey Williams, Reporter October 20, 2017

The Students Out to Destroy Assumptions club celebrated Disability Awareness Month on Oct. 18 with a fair on the Quad featuring therapy dogs, free massages and a wheelchair obstacle course. There were...

The theatre club used the backstage of Pascal to create a haunted house.

Theatre Club host Friday the 13 haunted house

Daniel Salomon, Reporter October 16, 2017

The theatre club hosted a haunted house on Friday the 13,  giving plenty of scares for everyone in attendance. The house’s route began with a tour guide telling "stories" of those who have died in...

AACC GSA members talk coming out

Shelby Vetter, Reporter October 11, 2017

Members of AACC’s Gay-Straight Alliance discussed coming out as LGBTQ during an open panel on Tuesday, Oct. 10. Fifth-year engineering major and PR chair of GSA Nick Nadeau, along with others from...

Students customized airbrush t-shirts

Students customized airbrush t-shirts

Sarah Sutherland, Campus Life Editor October 2, 2017

Students had the opportunity to receive free custom airbrush t-shirts on Sept. 28. The event drew in a long line of students throughout the day as they noticed it on the Quad while walking in between...

Students learn to shoot videos on smartphone

Students learn to shoot videos on smartphone

Hailey Williams, Reporter October 2, 2017

An AACC media specialist alumnus taught students how to shoot professional videos using a smartphone on Sept. 26 at the Entrepreneurs Club. Ed Sparks, a former AACC student, who has helped film many...

AACC’s student culinary team competes against City of Glasgow College’s cooking students during an October visit last year.

Culinary students visit Italy for summer study

Elizabeth Spearman, Associate Editor For The Web September 29, 2017

Some students use the summer to relax, but a few of AACC’s culinary students spent their time working alongside some of the best cooks in Italy. For the past 13 years, AACC’s Hotel, Culinary Arts...

Scott Kettner and his band Nation Beat perform in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Events honor Hispanic heritage: arts, food, fun

Sarah Sutherland, Campus Life Editor September 29, 2017

AACC observed Hispanic Heritage Month in September with music, food and art. The month kicked off on Sept. 15 with the Latino Club handing out “tres leches” cake, a sponge cake soaked in three kinds...

Student actors Grant Scherin (left), Jonas Pallaro- Somneborn and Alec Moyes are rehearsing for the upcoming play “Neverwhere” opening on Nov. 3.

October features dance recitals, opera shows

Elizabeth Spearman, Associate Editor for the web September 29, 2017

AACC’s Opera Company will celebrate its 15th anniversary on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 with a gala show featuring former students and faculty who have performed at AACC over the years. Here is a roundup of...

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