Men’s Basketball guard leads team in points

Christian Richey

First-year transfer studies student and guard/forward Davon Jones practices.

Jacob Dear, Daily Editor

A Men’s Basketball guard/forward who is leading his team in points said he plays every game to leave an impression on the fans.

First-year transfer studies student Davon Jones averaged 15.2 points, 5.3 rebounds and 1.3 assists per game this season.

“I’m always out here trying to perform my best,” Jones said. “I always feel like there’s somebody out there that’s never seen me play. So, every time I step on the court I always try to give it my all.”

Jones said he focuses on how he can improve himself during every game.

“I started off slow in the beginning but [the] second half [of the season] I picked it up with my scoring and being able to just be [an] all-around team leader and team player,” Jones said.

Jones averaged 12.2 points the first 10 games of the season but has averaged 17.2 points per game in the next 15 contests.

“Any night it could be any one of us” leading the team in scoring, Jones said. “It just so happens to be me a lot of nights. But you know, I’m grateful that my team believes in me.”

Jones’ teammates said he has been crucial to the team.

“He’s a good teammate,” guard Matthew Kern, a second-year criminal justice student, said. “He shares the ball. He’s not selfish.”

“I think he has [a] big impact [on] the team,” shooting guard and small forward Jamar Young, a first-year exercise studies student, said. “[Jones] knocks down tough shots. [He’s] putting up scores [and] locking up the best defenders.”

Men’s Basketball head coach Joe Snowden said he appreciates Jones’ work ethic on and off the court.

“Davon has been an incredible surprise; he’s done really well,” Snowden said. “He does his homework, goes home, he works. He’s a really good model student.”

Jones’ teammates highlighted some of their favorite games with him.

“His game against [CCBC] Catonsville … he kept us in the game,” Kern said. “I think he scored 31 that game.”

Jones said he hopes to make an all-conference team and see the Riverhawks make nationals.

“I want to be able to get on one of the Maryland JUCO all teams, whether that’s [the] first or second [team],” Jones said. “And … hopefully we get to the nationals and go from there.”

AACC went on to win the regional tournament against Prince George’s Community College. Jones scored 18 points.