The Riverhawks will not field a softball team this season because of a lack of players.
“We unfortunately couldn’t go on with our scheduled season,” Athletic Director Duane Herr said.
Softball only had four players, including two returners, registered for the season, compared with last year’s nine athletes.
The last time AACC Athletics canceled a sports season was during the 2014-2015 school year, when so many women’s lacrosse players suffered injuries that too few healthy athletes were available for play.
“It happens pretty frequently across the [National Junior College Athletic Association), especially within Region 20,” Herr said.
“It was unfortunate,” Herr said. “We had a plan. We’ve been working on the field, and we’re always ready to get out there and watch our student athletes perform. … And it just didn’t happen. So the student athletes that were interested, you know, it’s disappointing to say, ‘Hey, I’m sorry we won’t have a team this year.’”
Second-year transfer studies student Madison Conlon said it was hard to hear the season got canceled.
“I’ve been playing since I was probably, like, 8 years old,” Conlon, a returning first baseman and catcher, said. “I’ve played it every single season, so to hear that, like, my softball career is over, I mean, yeah, that was hard.”
Still, Herr said he expects the Riverhawks will have a softball season next year.
“They’re making several phone calls, making visits, emails, you know, all the appropriate ways to communicate with potential students and seeing what they can do to get student athletes to come play here.” Herr said. “We’re right back to recruiting now for next year.”