I’ve always felt love from family and friends, but I never imagined in a million years I’d experience romantic love.
I used to think I was too ugly or that my personality was too weird for anyone to want to be able to go out with me. In middle and high school, some boys would toy with my feelings to make an ex jealous or because they lost a bet with their friends.
I believed true romance was just a myth, something that only happened in movies and TV shows, and I also developed high standards for guys. I remember watching my favorite rom-com, “10 Things I Hate About You.” In the movie, Cameron has a huge crush on Bianca, and his best chance to spend time with her is by learning French and helping her out with her French class.
Like, isn’t that cute?
When I moved to Maryland from Virginia, I decided not to date anyone and focus instead on my studies. I had my friends and family, which was all I needed.
But everything changed last semester when my adviser at Campus Current suggested a story about a student starting a new rock band.
The band, unfortunately, never got started. But my first romance did.
I interviewed the guy in charge. I’m not someone who falls for people quickly, so I didn’t catch feelings right away. We exchanged numbers after the interview for any follow-up questions, and there were some. We met in the newsroom to talk more about the story, and that’s when we started to get along.
He kept dropping by the newsroom, and we became friends. On Dec. 13, I developed feelings for him. I know the exact date because I took a silly photo of him, and the photo is time-stamped.
I realized he liked my personality. I was surprised when I felt comfortable being myself with him without feeling embarrassed. Then, at a secret Santa party a week or so later, my friend told me that he had told her and others about his feelings for me.
I called him to let him know I felt the same way.
For our first date, he took me to see “Sonic the Hedgehog 3,” knowing how much I love the Sonic franchise.
We’ve been together for more than two months now. I am so happy to be with someone who makes me comfortable and embraces the side of myself that I am embarrassed about.
He knows how to make me smile when I’m down. And he appreciates my brain-rot humor.
So if you’re doubting you’ll ever find a partner, don’t worry. I didn’t have a serious relationship for 21 years until I met him. You’ll find someone, too. It’ll take time, but as the saying goes, “Good things happen to those who wait.”