Student drag queens raise nearly $500 for charity

AACC’s Gay-Straight Alliance raised $480 for the Trevor Project, an organization that offers crisis and suicide intervention for LGBTQ youth, in its second online drag show on Nov. 25. Featured: Miss Black.
December 1, 2020
AACC’s Gay-Straight Alliance hosted its second online drag show on Nov. 25, replacing the usual in-person Dragapalooza.
GSA President Chrystal Jones hosted the event, which featured five students performing in drag. Some performers sang while others lip-synced and danced.
The performers also gave make-up tutorials, played online games, and competed in an outfit contest. Male performers dressed as women, women dressed as men and some non-binary performers participated as well.
Jones said last April’s online drag show “went off without a hitch, so we decided to do it again this year.”
By the end of the event, GSA had raised $480 for the Trevor Project, an organization that offers crisis and suicide intervention for LGBTQ youth. They took donations through online.
Last semester’s virtual drag show lasted 10 hours, while last week’s performances lasted for five. Some participants, including Jones, a third-year elementary education major, have been performing for as many as three years; others performed for the first time.
A second-year mechatronics student who uses the stage name Miss Black said the best part of her first-time performance was “gaining a new experience that you haven’t really had before, exploring new territory that you haven’t seen.”
Another first-time participant, a general studies major who uses the stage name Rat Bastard, likened performing to “creating a theme and setting a scene … really bringing an experience to life.”
GSA will continue accepting donations to the Trevor project until Dec. 5, through this link:!/donation/checkout?c_src=website&c_src2=headerdonatebutto