Matthew T Rader/Unsplash
AACC athletes said they've been staying active since campus closed in March.
AACC student athletes have been exercising at home and keeping in touch with teammates since all games were canceled and the campus closed in March.
Men’s Soccer goalie Brenden LeMaster said he’s working out twice a day since the campus closed as a precaution against coronavirus.
“I do cardio three times a week in the morning, and then abs and legs the other three times,” LeMaster, a first-year secondary education Spanish student, said. “Then at night I do straight goalie drills.”
Baseball first baseman Lennie Lehner said he practices hitting and throwing often.
“Every day I hang out with a couple of guys to hit and stuff like that,” Lehner, a third-year transfer studies student, said.
Men’s Basketball shooting guard Brayden Cavey said he’s working out, playing basketball and doing homework.
Women athletes said they’re walking and running.
“I have nothing else to do, but I’ve been going on walks to stay active and I do exercises at night with my sisters,” Ruleman, a first-year transfer studies student, said.
Women’s Soccer, Cross Country and Lacrosse player Morgan Argubright said she occasionally goes on runs, but has mainly been sleeping, eating and doing homework since classes moved online.
Argubright, a first-year athletic training student, and Ruleman said they have been watching sports reruns on TV.
Ruleman said she’s “just kind of been watching reruns of old games that have been going on, no matter what sport it is because I’m missing softball and I’m missing just watching sports in general.”
The athletes said they have been keeping in touch with teammates.
“We’re texting and we’re using Instagram,” Ruleman said. “For example, we’ll send pictures through there and you have to post something back to them.”
Ruleman and her teammates make videos of themselves playing softball and send them to each other, she said.
“This season just ended so everybody’s kind of doing their own little thing, but we still communicate once a week,” Cavey, a first-year transfer studies student, said.
LeMaster and his teammates rely on WhatsApp and GroupMe to keep in touch “and checking on each other through that.”