Alyson McPhee/Unsplash
Students will learn numerous wellness techniques, including some related to improving their diet.
AACC offers a pop-up class this semester centered around helping students make lifestyle changes, according to the assistant dean of the department of health and wellness.
Dr. Tiffin Bumpass said the class, Health 280, Building Wellness Inside and Out, covers mind-body wellness, showing the connection between mindfulness, meditation, diet, sleep, technology, and self-care in maintaining health.
“We firmly believe that a person’s health and wellness impacts their ability to do their job,” Bumpass said.
Bumpass said the course, running from Jan 21 to Feb. 25, will give students goals and strategies in handling all aspects of wellness covered, such as creating a healthier diet or getting more sleep.
This is the health and wellness department’s first pop-up class, a temporary course, typically shorter than usual and quickly approved for classroom use.
Bumpass said the course will cover the positives and negatives of included topics, such as the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, or the impact of technology on emotional wellness.
Bumpass said five faculty members will come together to teach the course, including human services professor Sara Meinsler, certified yoga instructor Stevie Fruehling, and nutrition program director Amy Allen-Chabot.
Each will focus on a topic covered in class, according to Bumpass.
“I’m going to be talking to the class about self-care plans and… how to put it all into action, so that [they can apply] what they’ve learned,” Meinsler said.
Bumpass said she hopes to see students from across the community join the class.
“It’s a course that we designed for our campus population as well as the community,” Bumpass said.
Students can take the class for one credit or as a non-credit course, according to Bumpass.
“It’s just kind of one of our beginning steps to really continue exploring the other pieces of wellness that we don’t have right now,” Bumpass said.
Bumpass said the class will run again in April.