Samantha Agnor
Psychology student Madison Likens is among many artists pursuing degrees in subjects other than art that they believe will land them more stable jobs.
Some AACC students who are passionate about the fine arts said they are majoring in subjects that will offer more financially stable careers.
The students said they have chosen to study subjects like psychology and architecture so they can qualify for well-paying jobs but still use art in their daily lives.
“Architecture is a degree that utilizes artistic design skill, but has a practical function in society, making it safer for landing a good job,” said architecture student Makoa Connor, who said he wants to be an animator.
“I would like to run a company that does animation. I am still networking as an artist with external groups and brands as I am pursuing my architecture degree.”
Joel Pasquarelli agreed, saying he plans to earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, but will also pursue a Master of Architecture degree so he can “make a living.”
“Four years of college is a long time [so I’ll] see what happens, see what comes up,” Pasquarelli said. “Maybe I’ll do portrait art for the rest of my life and live happily. … I’m going to do architecture as at least a backup.”
Architecture and Interior Design Chair Michael Ryan said although “everybody wants to make a lot of money, no one makes too much money.”
For some artistic students, financial stability has nothing to do with their majors.
Psychology student Madison Likens said she will pursue a career in art therapy because she is passionate about art and psychology, and about helping others.
“I really want to work with [people with] disorders, so learning about disorders and learning how to convey them through art in a way that anyone can understand has been really beneficial,” Likens said.
Drawing and Painting Chair Matt Klos estimated that 70 percent of his students focus on making the most money possible.
He said careers in the fine arts do not typically pay well, but plenty of jobs are available in the field.
A career in art “is a sacrifice, you know, so if you’re willing to put together two or three part-time jobs … you know what I’m saying?” Klos said. Still, he said he advises students who feel the need to earn high salaries to choose high-paying professions like law.