Graphic by Christina Browning
Graph shows the total amount of crimes on AACC campus between 2016-2018
Thefts dropped 33% since 2016 according to a report by campus police posted on Tuesday.
The Department of Public Safety and Police 2019 annual security report shows a steady decrease in overall crime.
However, on Arnold campus there were two more occurrences of fraud than the previous year.
The issuing of drug abuse referrals went up by one, whereas theft occurrences declined by two since 2017.
Arnold also reported two counts of dating violence, the first reports of the crime since 2015.
Disorderly conduct, vandalism, hate crimes and assaults stayed consistent each year, with disorderly conduct receiving the largest amount of complaints.
The report found theft to be the most common crime on campus. The department recorded a decrease from 18 occurrences in 2016 to 12 in 2018.
Pierce Johnson, a second-year video game arts and design transfer student at Arnold Campus, said, “I find [the security] satisfactory, I usually see police officers once a day.”
Ryan Grimes, a first-year addictions counseling student, advised students to be watchful. “Be more vigilant [of] what’s going on and if you see something out of place say something about it to somebody,” Grimes said.