Alexandra Radovic
The Student Government Association created a new position for next fall and will allow students to purchase club T-shirts and wear chords for their clubs at graduation.
The new position, Vice President of Outreach, Community and Engagement will be “Pretty much a liaison between all the clubs at AACC and the SGA,” SGA Vice President of Public Relations Bri Brione said. “That person will act almost as a voice for the clubs in making sure they have what they need.”
Brione said this could include questions about personnel matters or budget requests.
“They will orchestrate volunteer work for all of the student body, not just club members,” Brione added.
She said any student can apply for the position and to check The Nest or contact Lion Thomas, who directs student engagement, for further details if they wish to run.
Another new addition the SGA is making to campus next fall involves club merchandise. Previously, they didn’t allow clubs to use their fundraising money to buy club merch, but in the fall Former President Jacob Smith said student clubs will be allowed to purchase T-shirts.
But some changes will take place before next fall.
At this year’s commencement, Smith said he plans to have chords designed to represent student clubs on campus. Members of each club can wear their designated chords to represent membership and involvement.
Students said they approve of these changes.
“I’m glad clubs can get T-shirts now,” third-year legal studies student Karen Denton said.
“Community outreach should be its own position,” fifth-year culinary student Michael Santos added. Santos, who held a position on the SGA last year, said his brother, Incoming President Mitchell, got the idea from a summit the SGA attended.
He said most college SGAs have someone dedicated just to community service, so they want AACC to keep up.