Daniel Nickerson
Jesseca Greene, a third-year game developement student, and Neena Robertson (left), program coordinator of events, ran the SGA Honors and Awards Ceremony together on April 26.
Campus Current, AACC’s student newspaper, won the Student Government Association’s first-ever Club of the Year Award at the SGA’s annual Honors and Awards Ceremony on April 26.
“I’m really proud of our club for making an impression on the campus,” Campus Current Editor-in-Chief Alexandra Radovic said. “It is an honor, as a newspaper, to be able to represent the students, clubs and professors that got awarded and that make AACC so great.”
Another new SGA award—the Christine Storck Leadership Legacy Award—went to ceramics professor Rick Malmgren, who is retiring this year after starting at the college in 2001. (See related story on Malgren here) Storck retired last year after serving as the director of student engagement for 34 years.
The ceremony recognized outstanding students, clubs and faculty members. SGA Executive Vice President Jesseca Greene emceed the event, which included 13 award categories.
Dr. Jaclyn Gambone, who has taught education classes at the college for nearly 12 years, received the Teaching Excellence award for a full-time professor and psychology professor Stephanie Beltz, who has worked here since 2015, won the Teaching Excellence award for a part-time professor.
Interior Design and Architecture professor Carol Pearce won Rookie Professor of the Year.
The Adviser of the Year award went to Dr. Denise Portis, a psychology professor who advises the student club Active Minds.
Active Minds focuses on mental health awareness and education.
But professors weren’t the only ones who won awards.
Nine students won an Outstanding Club Member award, which recognized their dedication to an organization on campus this year.
Some winners included upcoming SGA Vice President of Public Relations Bri Barone and Campus Current’s Sports Editor Arianna Beers.
Student club members Tracie Notaro, Adalia Cubie, Shanelle Jones, Caleb Schaeffer, Maria Engel, Dalton Leonard and Katrina Murphy won the same award.
Five students won the Student Achievement Award, and the college recognized nine others, including Radovic, for Outstanding Achievement.
The Entrepreneurial Studies Institute won the Club Event of the Year award for hosting Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley in November.