Caitlin Elise Weller
Humans of AACC presents David Buckingham:
What makes you quirky?
“I love making jewelry I’m overly obsessed with American Sign Language. I learned ASL to actually learn to read and write because I’m dysgraphic and dyslexic. So when I was in preschool they were like ‘he’s probably never going to be able to read or write’. I had a teacher who thought maybe if I learned through another medium, that I would be able to process it to learning to read and write. So now I know American Sign Language and I write at a Harvard professor level. It’s hard to read but I can type it”
What is dysgraphia?
“Dysgraphia is a lot like dyslexia, but like it applies more to the shapes and the writing and it makes it harder to form the letters with a pencil or a pen or anything and it takes a lot of extra time to make legible words and it also affects my reading, similar to dyslexia but like I’ll mix up the shapes of a, e and o. I’ll see them as all the same. I know they are different, it’s just that I’ll read them and it will read as if they are the same.”