Nikko Maresca
Athletics Director Duane Herr and The Hawk’s Nest’s manager, Richard Buenaventura, may work together to offer food at big games.
AACC is considering selling food at large-scale sports games to draw in more fans.
After Campus Current reported last month that fans would be more likely to attend home games if they could buy food there, Athletics Director Duane Herr met with Richard Buenaventura, who runs The Hawk’s Nest Grill & Deli, to float the idea.
“He reached out to me and said, ‘Do you think it’s realistic and feasible?’” Herr said. “If we have 50 to 100 people come out to a game, how much money would that make? Would it be worth it? Just those types of logistics.”
Their tentative plan is to sell hot food, such as hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, sodas and other snacks at regional tournaments and playoff games on campus.
“I wanted to see what I could do to help,” Buenavista said. “For the fans, the parents, I want to help get more people to the games.”
Selling food at regular-season games, which attract few fans, would not be profitable, Buenavista said.
So, he said, “We’re looking at certain events, trying to see which ones have bigger crowds. Some of the games only draw between 20 to 30 people, which in that case, we unfortunately wouldn’t make profit off of concessions. I don’t want to outright say no, but we are looking at a plan for next year.”
First-year criminal justice major Sam Charles said he likes the idea.
“I think it would definitely make some people come to the games more,” he said. “If the food is really good, people would definitely come more. I still think they need to do more to get more people, though.”
AACC student athletes said they support the plan to sell food at games.
“I think it’s a great idea,” said first-year architecture student Jonathan Adams, who plays midfield for Men’s Soccer. “It would bring in more people because it gives them another way to enjoy the game.”
“I think a Snack Shack would be a good addition to the stadium,” said first-year transfer studies student Will Belcher, who plays left back and center defensive midfield for Men’s Soccer. “But I’m not so sure it would bring more people to the games, although, it might make people stay a little bit longer.”
Still, one fan said people who already attend games might like to buy food, it wouldn’t sway him to attend an event.
“It would better accommodate the people that already go to the games,” said first-year transfer studies student Trace Carleton. “People don’t attend an athletic game for the purpose of eating food. They go for entertainment.”