SGA to consider fewer Advisory Council mtgs.
The Student Government Association is suggesting that its Advisory Council meet fewer times throughout the semester. SGA President Jacob Smith made the suggestion because of a lack of attendance from club members.
December 4, 2018
The Student Government Association has asked its Advisory Council—an organization of student club presidents—to amend the SGA constitution to require fewer Advisory Council meetings per month.
AACC Advisory Council votes on club budgets and approves new student organizations.
The proposed constitution change would reduce the number of Advisory Council meetings from one a month to two per semester.
The proposal comes a year after the former SGA president proposed to use the authority the SGA constitution allows to penalize clubs that do not send representatives to Advisory Council meetings. These punishments could range from warnings to a probationary period to even the possibility of reducing a club’s budget.
According to SGA President Jacob Smith, some club officers think the meetings are unnecessary and matters could be taken care of during weekly SGA meetings.