Don’t let family stress you out on turkey day
Campus Current Editor-in-Chief Alexandra Radovic recommends getting ahead on class assignments before the holidays.
November 1, 2018
AACC students who still live with their parents are no strangers to family drama. But even those who live on their own should prepare this month for some ups and downs over the Thanksgiving weekend.
We all love our families, but having everyone all together at once can feel just as stressful as a big exam with too many questions that you don’t feel like answering.
But don’t worry. Just like with test-taking, you can use a few tips and tricks to ace family functions.
All the while, your family expects you to put on a good face for the endless number of visitors, each with a unique personality.
One way to simmer the chaos is to selectively socialize, not giving a particularly probing relative too much attention. Choose to spend most of your time with the relative you get along with best and escape the hectic environment together by going on a refreshing walk outside.
Part of being a member of a close-knit family is enduring the endless prying and constant nagging. If the criticism and commentary are coming at you too fast and from all directions, try laughing off the passive-aggressive comments and back-handed compliments to keep the mood light, instead of getting offended and arguing.
When someone asks a question that you feel uncomfortable answering, use it as an opportunity to change the subject. Tell a story about a funny professor you have, or share something interesting you learned in class.
It may feel forced and uncomfortable to jump into lengthy conversations with family you haven’t seen in years, or with relatives who are much younger or older than you. Try connecting with them in small, less-intense ways. These could include sledding, playing board games, doing crafts or baking cookies.
You may think you’ll have no time for frivolous holiday activities when the homework assignments and exam reviews are piling up and creating a sense of stress in your day-to-day life.
Even so, ditching the festivities and taking to your cluttered bedroom with your laptop and a plate full of mashed potatoes won’t go over well with the hordes of family members who traveled miles and miles to be part of your life for the weekend.
Instead, get ahead of the game. The week before Thanksgiving, check your syllabus on Canvas so you know the assignments that are due after break. This way, you can get most of the work done beforehand, and take the weekend to relax.
Look at your work before you start it, so you can ask your professor any questions you may have, since they may not respond over break.
Above all, don’t forget how lucky you are to have family. Holidays bring a heaping portion of craziness, but also a lot of love. Take time to let your family know how thankful you are to have them in your life, even if you have to do it with a mouth full of stuffing and a large glass of wine.