Baseball, Softball and Men’s Lacrosse started fall practices in September, even though their first games aren’t until the spring semester.
These teams begin Fall Ball practices and scrimmages every year before their seasons start in late February.
“[Fall Ball] is a huge part of what we do,” said coach Chris Jenkins, who is in his fourth year with the baseball team and third as the head coach.
“We have a good group of guys but it all starts here in practice,” said Ryan Key, a second-year transfer studies student who plays catcher and infield.
Teams scrimmage against other local community colleges and even some four-year universities in the fall.
“It’s a more accurate evaluation process,” Softball head coach Guy Klingensmith said.
“You can build strong relationships with the girls and learn how to work as a team,” said catcher and third baseman Katie Rosati, a second-year nursing student.
Coaches and players said they are excited to build on the success of their previous seasons—and that the work starts now.
Baseball finished third in their division with an 18-23 record last semester. Softball finished with a 12-22 record. And Men’s Lacrosse is coming off of an 8-4 record.
“We want to keep everyone healthy, keep everyone eligible, make sure we do the right thing in the classroom,” said third-year Men’s Lacrosse coach Joe Stanilaus.

“[Fall Ball] keeps you on track: You do this, you do your schoolwork, you come here, you go home, repeat,” said second-year transfer studies student and midfielder Joseph Niles.