AACC student clubs are holding a number of events in October to raise awareness of domestic violence, disabilities and the LGBTQ+ community.
On Oct.3, SODA–Students Out to Destroy Assumptions–will hold its second annual Assumption Destroyers Festival from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Quad, so students can experience what it is like to have a disability.
Activities will involve a wheelchair simulation, therapy dogs, emergency evacuation chair training, martial arts training and sculpture building.
“Kelly Sweeny, a disability support services specialist, said the goal of SODA is to “increase acceptance of individuals with disabilities as active and contributing members of society.”
Following this, the Campus Activities Board will host a club cafe from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the SUN Dining Hall on Oct. 8, where students can have cookies and tea, and listen to live music.
They will also throw a Halloween costume and dance party at 7 p.m. on Oct. 26, with a costume contest, dancing, candy and a live DJ.
On Oct. 10 on the Quad, the Service Learning Committee will set up the Clothesline Project, as part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Students can hang personal messages on a clothesline.
“It can be about hope, or what you went through if you were a survivor yourself,” Program Coordinator Leslie Cook said.
Beginning on the same day, the Gay Straight Alliance will participate in a Coming Out Fair from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the SUN Dining Hall, during which students can meet representatives from organizations on campus that serve the LGBTQ+ community. Events for Coming Out Week will run through Oct. 13.
“I can’t wait for the student body to see how much the GSA can offer,” GSA President Garrett Hutchinson said. “We are such a fun yet progressive club and it is something the GSA will be showing more proof of as the months go on,”
Club events are “awesome,” because “even though we are a community college, you still get that college feel,” first-year law student Devin Chatmon said. “You don’t just go to classes and go home; you have an outlet to make school less stressful.”
“Clubs make AACC fun,” first-year biology student Rebekah Rodriguez said.
For more club events in October, visit The Nest, AACC’s official club website, at nest.aacc.edu.