Photo courtesy of Caleb Schaeffer
Gov. Larry Hogan in July appointed second-year nursing student Caleb Schaeffer as the student member of AACC’s Board of Trustees trustee for the 2018-2019 school year.
AACC is the only one of Maryland’s 16 community colleges that allows its student trustee to vote.
Schaeffer said he became interested in the position last year.
“I was looking for opportunities to get more involved than the level that I was currently was at,” he said. “After learning that it was a great opportunity to represent our large student body in the highest form of governance at AACC, I wanted to apply.”
According to Schaeffer, last semester he took 21 credits of classes and joined in multiple clubs on campus.
Schaeffer said he wants to continue participating in the organizations he was involved in last year. Some include: Student Government Association, Chemistry Club, Biology and Environmental Science Club, Campus Ambassador Team, STEM Ambassadors, Honors Program and Campus Ambassador Board.
Schaeffer describes himself as “a strong communicator and a good listener.”
SGA President Jacob Smith said he is “excited to see [Caleb] in the position.”
“Caleb is extremely motivated and … hardworking,” Smith said. “He’s [very] motivated to serve the student body.”
Student trustees hold the position for one year. Last year’s trustee, Nyia Curtis, said the role was “transforming” to her as a student.
Schaeffer plans to hold focus groups for students this year to learn their concerns.
“[I want to] get insights to what our diverse community has to say about the issues being presented to the board so it can influence my vote on [different subjects,” Schaeffer said.
“In order to better serve the community, we need students to have input on campus,” Smith said. “If students don’t have a voice campus, then administration isn’t exactly sure how the students are being served by the community college.”