‘Hear us roar!’ Women are changing the world
Scan courtesy of the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Artist J. Howard Miller made the famous “We Can Do It!” poster in 1941. Now, more women than ever work in traditionally male jobs.
March 1, 2018
More than ever before, young women are breaking barriers and stereotypes.
With every, “You can’t” comes a resounding, “Watch me!” More and more of today’s young women are challenging gender roles and using their educations to redefine traditionally male jobs.
“[Women] are becoming the men we wanted to marry,” world-renowned journalist Gloria Steinem—a main spokeswoman for the American feminist movement of the 1970s—said in her “Leaps of Consciousness” speech at the Women & Power Conference in 2004.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of female engineers grew by more than 11 percent between 1970 and 2010. The same is true for female police officers.
During the same 40-year period, nearly 23 percent more women became physicians and surgeons, and the number of female judges and lawyers increased by more than 28 percent.
But did you know that The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal all have male editors-in-chief running their newspapers?
That’s not the case at Campus Current, whose editor is a woman. Young men and women reporters, photographers and editors work as a team to craft each daily digital and monthly print issue.
For our March issue, which coincides with Women’s History Month, our male editors—digital editor Daniel Salomon, sports editor Vincent Moreland and newsroom manager Michael Garvey—were proud to work alongside six leading women, including editor-in-chief Roxanne Ready, faculty adviser Sharon O’Malley, graphic designer Mary Kane, photography editor Raquel Hamner, social media manager Sarah Noble and associate editor Alexandra Radovic.
Society is finally recognizing the fierce potential of young female minds and offering girls and young women opportunities to change the world.
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, an estimated 11.5 million women attended an American college or university last fall. That is more than 11 times the amount of women enrolled in college 20 years ago.
This fall, 7,832 female students enrolled at AACC. That is more than half of all students taking classes here.
Riverhawk women: Keep raising the bar, following your dreams and redefining yourselves.