AACC students get organized
Third-year creative writing student Jonas Pallaro-Sonneborn offers time managment tips. Photo by Brandon Hamilton
February 1, 2018
As a new semester starts, you’ll find that how you use your time is more important than how much time you use.
There just aren’t enough hours in the day. We, as students, need to manage our time efficiently—more for our own mental health than anything else.
If you’re struggling to stay afloat, there are a few simple things you can do to start swimming.
First, keep a journal or a planner. Write down every class, obligation and due date you have as soon as you know about it, and check it every morning. The simple act of repeating the information can solidify it in your memory.
Second, get things done ahead of time. I know how tempting it is to procrastinate, but it’s only going to take more time in the end. Tackle the big things first and the small things last. If you’re dreading doing something that can be done in less than five minutes, do it right now.
Third, schedule time to relax. Take a 10-minute break for every hour you work. Get a quick drink, or some fresh air, or stretch your legs. After school, see a movie with your friends, or go to a party, or make hot chocolate and read a book. Do your work, but play a little, too.
The truth is, you can do it. Just take a moment to breathe. Take a day off if you have to.
I believe in you.