Photo by Raquel Hamner
It’s cold and flu season—but hat doesn’t mean you have to get sick.
Nurse Beth Mays, who tends to sick students in the Health Center in SUN, says rest, exercise and stress management are key to staying healthy when it’s freezing cold outside.
Mays offered these tips to students hoping to prevent winter illnesses:
Wash your hands as often as possible, and always after touching your nose, eyes or mouth, which can spread germs quickly and easily.
Avoid people who are already sick. Just being near someone who is sneezing or blowing a nose puts you at risk.
Go to the doctor if you don’t feel well. If you’re not sick yet, get a flu shot.Stay warm. Bundle up when you go outside. Dress in layers so you can peel one off if it’s warm in your classroom. Mays suggested wearing fleece-lined leggings. “Gloves are something I cannot live without when it comes to being cold,” graphic design student Britney Keys said. “If my hands are cold, the rest of me is.”
Eat healthy food. A poor diet can leave you prone to colds and flu.
Exercise lightly twice a week.
Avoid strenuous activities and reduce stress.