Photo by Jessica Osband
Participants encounter insects and reptiles such as snakes, cockroaches and earthworms up-close and personal during AACC’s annual Science Night.
AACC’s annual Science Night showcased the wonders of science for a crowd of 600 children, parents and college students on Nov. 7.
Dr. Jason Barbour, a physical science professor, hosted the event. He said he enjoys putting on Science Night because of the “wonderful, creative people who work here,” and the “great opportunity to give back to the community.”
Other participants of the event included the Physical Science, Biology and Engineering departments, AACC’s Kids in College program, the Anne Arundel County Public Library, Anne Arundel Medical Center and the Anne Arundel Department of Public Works.
In the SUN Dining Hall, AACC students and faculty presented interactive, hands-on demonstrations that taught participants about biology, physics, anatomy, chemistry, earth science and zoology.
Brady Ward, a second-year nursing major, hosted an experiment teaching kids what microbes are and how they grow.
He said Science Night is important because “it encourages kids to think about their future[s] and have fun.”
In the Kauffman Theater, biology professor Greg Schrader hosted “The Big Science Quiz Show” with Barbour.
Three teams of six audience members answered questions that tested their knowledge of science. Live demonstrations of science experiments followed.
Students who attended the event said it was a success, especially for the kids.
“[Science Night] shows kids how exciting science really is and how it can be used in their everyday life,” Shannon Martin, a second-year elementary education major, said.
Caleb Schaeffer, a second-year nursing major, attended the event as a STEM Ambassador representing the Engineering Department.
He said he hopes Science Night “allows kids to see AACC as a possible avenue for their future careers in science.”
Barbour said he considers this year’s event a success.
“[The participants and I] enjoyed ourselves and learned something about science, which are the two main goals of Science Night,” Barbour said.
He said he hopes to inspire young elementary school students to pursue careers in science and technology for their futures.