Involvement Fair comes to AACC
SGA promoting the Nest at the Involvement Fair
September 7, 2017
On Sept. 6, 37 clubs gathered in the cafeteria for the involvement fair to introduce themselves to students.
The involvement fair is a way for students to learn about different clubs on campus. Also, it gives clubs an opportunity to promote themselves and their individual activities.
One of the clubs at the fair was the Campus Activities Board. CAB plans different activities throughout the semester involving the campus community. They were promoting future events they will host, such as the food truck festival on Sept. 13.
“The CAB activities are really fun ways to meet people,” said sophomore Caleb.
CAB is one of the many clubs that puts on different activities that are fun and quick ways to engage with the community.
Another club represented at the fair was the Theatre Club, who is in charge of putting on plays and other events.
“College has a lot more faces than high school, and can be daunting,” said Katie McCarren, a sophomore and the Nest Coordinator for the club. “Clubs are a great way to meet people with similar interests, and make friends.”
The fair also provides a chance for newer clubs to promote themselves.
“Even though I’ve been here for almost two years, the fair is still a good chance for me to see the new clubs that are on campus,” said Chris Swift a sophomore chemistry and math major.
AACC’s Office of Student Engagement holds its biannual involvement fair at the start of the Fall and Spring semester.
Only 37 clubs were in attendance at the fair. However students can explore all information about the 90 + clubs on campus at the