Photo by Sarah Noble
Wingspan features an article about AACC's 2-year-old mascot, Swoop.
Some Anne Arundel county residents found a new magazine in their mail this summer.
AACC designed the new magazine, Wingspan, to showcase “the breadth and depth of our campus,” said Melissa Beardmore, vice president of learning and research management.
Wingspan contains a course list and a letter from AACC President Dawn Lindsay, as well as articles about the college and its different events.
“It gives you a lot of good detail about different courses,” said Chris Halbig, a second-year student.
The magazine replaces the course catalog AACC previously sent to county households, which contained a course list but no articles or pictures.
“A 55-year old man that has never taken any classes here shouldn’t have to get a giant course list,” said Beardmore.
The magazine cost less to produce than the catalog, according to Dan Baum, executive director of public relations and marketing.
“I don’t know if it’s a good use of resources to mail it out to everybody, honestly,” said Mike Hallinan, a continuing education culinary student. “Probably half of them are just going to end up being tossed [out].”
But freshman Amanda Gardner said she likes the magazine. “The stories look good. I’d definitely read that. It looks well put together.”
“[Wingspan] is meant to show that we are here as a service [for the community],” Baum said.
AACC plans to distribute two more issues throughout the school year.