Campus police to place number on AACC app

Brad Dress, Associate Editor

AACC’s Department of Public Safety & Police will get its phone number placed on the college’s app within a few weeks, according to Police Chief Sean Kapfhammer.

The number will place on the home page of the app in the form of a button, and will be a way to easily call police on campus, Kapfhammer said.

“People don’t have to try to pull up the number,” he added. “It’s not 9-11, it’s 410-777-1818. So instead of having to scroll through your contacts … the button will be right there.”

Students just push the button on the home page, and it will automatically call and forward to a dispatcher at the AACC police department, who can then inform police of the emergency.

Kapfhammer said it will “make it easier and faster” during an emergency.

The chief said he originally created the idea a couple of months ago, and pitched the idea to the Information Technology department.

IT accepted the pitch, and said it would come completely free for the department.

Kapfhammer said he will advertise it on Facebook and the school website. Additionally, he said he would inform students about it at orientation next fall.