A 24-year-old male fled from Anne Arundel County Police and onto AACC’s campus after crashing a light-gold Chevrolet Corvette into another car on Route 2, according to police.
AACC’s Police Chief Sean Kapfhammer explained that the man had reportedly broken into his father’s trailer home, located close to the golf course near campus. When the father came home, he called the police on his son, Kapfhammer explained. The father told the Anne Arundel County dispatcher his son had stolen guns before, but the dispatcher thought he meant the son was armed.
Kapfhammer said he first got a call from the county police at approximately 8 a.m., saying an armed, young male was walking up Route 2 near the college.
After receiving the call, Kapfhammer secured the area around West Campus to make sure the campus was safe.
“Our main concern was securing the perimeter and making sure he [didn’t] get on campus,” Kapfhammer said. After hearing of the miscommunication, Kapfhammer had his dispatchers send out another E2 campus alert, saying the young male was not armed.
But at 2:48 p.m. the same male, who was wearing a blue plaid shirt and a lime-green backpack, crashed his Corvette into the car on Route 2. After hitting the car, he fled and escaped through the nearby woods and into the college campus, Kapfhammer said. Police said they do not know whether the Corvette was his.
Kapfhammer said the county asked AACC police for help, so he sent five officers back to West Campus to an area at the back of F lot, near the woods.
There, three county policemen and five campus officers searched for the fleeing male. A canine unit found the male had gone back to his father’s trailer, but the trace died off there.
Kapfhammer said he didn’t put the college into lockdown because there was “no indication that he was armed with a gun.” Kapfhammer said this means it did not constitute a threat.
UPDATE: Anne Arundel County Police caught the man in the Severna Park Library on Thursday, April 6.