Students and staff speak at Soapbox Sisters event

Morgan Talbot performed Gloria Steinem, “Living the Revolution” during one of the first semi-annual Soapbox Sisters events at AACC.
April 4, 2017
Thursday March 30, students and faculty delivered speeches in this year’s Soapbox Sisters event.
The event started with a welcome from Dr. April Copes, a communications professor and co-director, followed by the first introduction by Madeline McArdle, co-director and MC for the event.
McArdle a second-year transfer studies major, who participated last year said “It was a cool experience…it was totally worth it, it was really fun.”
Lynne Edwards-Tucker, an AACC cashier supervisor and participant said, “I was nervous but it was great, because of when I was born this was real, this was real to me.” She continued “so it meant something to me…these are a phenomenal group of women, so it made it easy to overcome your fears.”
Edwards-Tucker, gave the first speech with Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a woman?” speech.
When asked if the event had inspired him, Sam Proctor, a first-year psychology major said, “I would say it has, you know I think a lot of us think of feminism as a modern phenomenon, and I think this really showed that it wasn’t this is something that has been boiling over for centuries now.”
Participants gave dramatic readings on stage in a packed auditorium with standing room only.