Writing center moves, upgrades to big space
The writing center recently upgraded to a larger space.
March 1, 2017
AACC’s Arnold Writing Center has moved to a bigger location in Room 136 of the library.
According to Dr. Jessica Rabin, the director of the Writing Center, the previous location was too small.
“There were many long waits and just not enough space to see a lot of students at one time,” Rabin said.
During peak season, the Writing Center helps approximately 50 students a day.
“I think the bigger space was a wonderful idea and it will help the tutors accommodate more people,” said sophomore Alyssa Thomas, a Writing Center user.
Thomas said she had two papers due at around the same time and the Writing Center helped her work more efficiently.
Additionally, students can see tutors at the Writing Center at the Arundel Mills campus and can set up online appointments and video chats though a virtual tutor.
“I have used the Writing Center both semesters so far … and with the expansion, the bigger the better,” Ibrahim Geris, a nursing student, said.
The Writing Center allows students to get help from English professors and tutors. Tutors must have a master’s degree or Ph.D. in English and have experience teaching or tutoring.
The tutors help guide the students in correcting grammar and writing on their school papers, although they will not help them take graded tests or quizzes.
The tutors expect students to come prepared, with their instructor’s name and their course number ready to present.
The Writing Center at Arnold is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays; and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday.