Free psychology textbook available for students offers 33 different textbooks students can download for free.
February 22, 2017
Students who are taking or are interested in Psychology classes on campus can now download a free textbook.
Instead of paying $152 for a physical textbook, students can download a file from and have access to the information required for class, and also be able to view psychology-related clips from the same file.
The online textbook is one of many Open Educational Resources, which are free for anyone to access.
Dr. Donald Orso, a psychology professor, brought the idea to the college after participating in a committee that found as the best website to provide the textbook.
“For the students, [a benefit is] they don’t have to lug around a textbook,” Orso said. “They could simply just read [the textbook] off of their phone.”
One of the advantages to downloading the free textbook, according to Orso, are the textbooks are updated electronically when a new edition of the same book is put out, so there is no need for a student to go and find the latest edition.
To date, at least $155 million has been saved by students and schools around the country on textbooks, according to a PowerPoint of data from provided by Dr. Orso.
Orso also said the textbook will save AACC students over $1 million in Intro to Psychology textbooks in the next 4-5 years.
“What I care most about are the students at Anne Arundel [Community College,]” said Orso. “I want them to be taken care of.”
The website also offers 33 different textbooks with subject matter regarding Anatomy & Physiology, Statistics, and many others.
Orso said the required Intro to Psychology textbook for the Fall 2017 semester will be the online textbook.