AACC’s Arnold campus is nearly crime-free, the police chief told a class of journalists in November.
Chief Sean Kapfhammer attributed the low crime rate to the affluent surrounding neighborhoods, the police presence on campus and the college’s lack of dorms.
“The most serious thing [we have here] is larcenies,” Kapfhammer said. “And we really don’t have a whole lot of those here.”
In 2015, AACC had 81 crimes across its three campuses, mostly larcenies.
Kapfhammer said police officers are visible on campus at all times. At night, however, security staffing is at a “bare minimum” because so few people are on campus, so crime is less likely to occur.
Two kinds of officers patrol the campus, the chief explained. Officers wearing white shirts are public safety officers, and those dressed in blue are police officers.
Each police officer carries a firearm, a baton, a radio, plastic gloves and Mace, Kapfhammer said. Public safety officers carry Mace and handcuffs.
The department has about 30 officers.
Officers, who complete a six-month police academy course, learn criminal, vehicular and constitutional law and self-defense, among other skills, the chief said.
AACC students interested in majoring in law enforcement can volunteer for the campus Lot Patrol program, Kapfhammer said.
Patrol employees wear yellow vests and carry flashlights, and escort students and others to their cars on request.
The campus Department of Public Safety and Police also hold rape aggression defense classes for women and train students for the Community Emergency Response Team, which will activate in an emergency.
“As long as we put our safety programs out there, have the department fully staffed [and] keep our eyes open,” Kapfhammer said, “we can keep the place safe.”