Young Americans for Liberty join AACC
November 23, 2016
The Student Government Association at AACC amended and approved the constitution for a new student organization, Young Americans for Liberty, during their weekly meeting Monday.
YAL promotes freedom of choice and taking responsibility for your choices. The group also wants to “promote libertarian philosophy, not the political party,” YAL President Hellen Hankey said.
YAL is a nationwide organization with more than 804 chapters I colleges across the US. There are 17 chapters in Maryland alone, including AACC.
“YAL was an active organization at AACC a few years ago,” Director of Student Engagement Chris Storck said. “The current chapter is attempting to reboot.”
The SGA members read through YAL’s constitution, and made an amendment to the officer removal policies.
The original constitution said members could be removed after a majority vote. Members of SGA did not like this because they were afraid officers could be removed if they were disliked.
The constitution was amended on the spot. The amendment changed the wording of the removal policy so it said, “Officers may be removed via vote if they fail to fulfill their duties stated in the constitution.”
SGA President Nick Nadeau motioned for the constitutions approval, and received unanimous agreement.
After the constitution approval, Nadeau announced SGA member Cynthia Murphy won SGA member of the month for, “Always helping out during events and volunteering and being an active member.”
Murphy accepted her award and SGA moved on to the Campus Activity Board report.
CAB President Diana Rapine asked for volunteers to help with their annual Breakfast with Santa event on Dec. 3rd.
Storck then took over the meeting to gauge member opinion on the continued use of the Geoperks application, and she discussed the Walk-Out event.
The Walk-Out is tentatively scheduled for Dec. 7th in an effort to unify the student body. Storck stressed that the walk-out is not related to any political parties of candidates.