Conduct offense bans student from campus
The disorderly conduct occurred in the Truxal library.
November 9, 2016
Campus police banned a student from school grounds Thursday for yelling and using profanity in the library.
At approximately 10:30 a.m., police issued a male student a temporary ban order from the campus after the student yelled and cursed at the director of student conduct in his office in the library.
The student continued to yell as he left the library, according to Police Chief Sean Kapfhammer. Eyewitnesses notified police and the officers waited outside to issue the order to the student. The student complied and left the campus.
The student became hostile during a meeting with the director about class issues and policies the student had broken, police said.
Police said they issue temporary ban orders to anyone who exhibits disruptive or dangerous behavior and must be removed for the safety of the campus.
“[An] officer makes a determination,” Chief Kapfhammer said, to “make sure everyone is safe.”
The student is banned until he meets with the director of student conduct and the director makes a determination on whether or not the student can come back on campus.
The student code of conduct shows that disciplinary action will occur if a student breaks any number of prohibited behaviors in the code of conduct, in this case the conduct said as the “abuse of a person in any manner” on campus. Disciplinary action starts as a written order- after that, it goes into a wide scale of punishment, from loss of privileges, probation, suspension and even expulsion and withholding academic credentials.
According to the college’s website, the school expects students to act in manners appropriate to the AACC community, and if inappropriate, they are subject to disciplinary action.
Students can fill out referral forms online if they know someone who is misbehaving, or contact the office directly.