Photo by Megan Ladabouche
The Al Cantello Jr. Memorial Run kicks off with a full cast of participants.
Anne Arundel Community college was host to nearly 150 runners in October for the 6th annual Al Cantello Jr. Memorial Run.
Raising money for scholarships awarded to youth athletes, the memorial run is held annually in honor of Al Cantello Jr. who died in a boating accident on July 18, 2010. Sister of Al Cantello, Karen O’Kane, says the Al Cantello Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund has raised and awarded over $75,000 to students.
Runners describe Cantello as a humorous guy, “always making jokes…he cared about his family,” says Kirby McMahon, nephew of Cantello. “He inspired us to have a good time and live life in the moment. We can live on his legacy and run year after year” remembering him, McMahon said. “[We run] to keep his name alive,” says Kylie McMahon, niece of Cantello.
The 1st place runner, Logan Lee, finished in under 19 minutes. “We’re here to support his family,” Lee said. The coordinators have held the last five runs on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay. This year, however, they held it on the western shore as “a lot of the community on the western shore had also supported [Al’s run],” says Al’s sister, Karen.