Lindsay Withdraws From NOVA Candidacy
April 10, 2015
President Dawn Lindsay withdrew out of the running from the list of finalists to become the president of Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA).
“I am looking forward to the next five years as we work together to meet the needs of our students and the communities we serve,” said Lindsay in an email interview.
In addition to the Board of Trustees extending her reign for five years, Lindsay received a $14, 000 pay raise.

“I would like to thank the Board of Trustees for their vote of confidence as well as the campus community for their continued commitment to the mission of the community college system as a whole and AACC specifically.”
During her newly added years to come, Lindsay hopes to, “continue to work with the campus as we refine our mission, address our challenges and continue to refine and create new opportunities. Our focus will remain on access, success and resources.”
Adding that she and her team, “will continue to refine our strategic plan to address our educational and support programs through strategies that address inclusivity, retention and innovation. Students need to see our commitment to their success. This spring we introduced the concept that engagement matters. This applies to our students, our colleagues and the communities we serve. AACC is a campus that cares and we will increase our initiatives that bridge our students and our community to our campus,” Lindsay said.
Lindsay’s new contract begins on July 1.