Nathan Warner
Newly elected SGA officers gather for an event in the Hawk’s Nest after a special election in February.
For the second time this semester, the Student Government Association will hold an election for officers, starting April 28.
Students elected an SGA president in February after the original 2024-25 president resigned, along with most of the organization’s other officers.
“It’s our normal election season,” Lea Brisbane, a leadership and involvement specialist with the Office of Student Engagement, said. The February election was a special election.
Registration for candidates began on March 24 on The Nest (nest.aacc.edu) and will close on April 4. Students may run for president, executive vice president or any of five vice president positions: finance, outreach, campus activities, public relations and diversity.
Brisbane said she will check references and do grade checks, and call all applicants to verify that they intend to run for office before the candidates begin campaigning.
Students eligible to run for SGA president must have a 2.25 cumulative GPA and must have completed at least 67% of the classes they have started.
Brisbane said candidates for SGA president should be committed to serving for a year as a voice for students.
“I think serving as that voice and being able to make change happen is the crux of the position,” said Brisbane, who noted candidates should have a strong character, work ethic and willingness to work with others and solve problems.
The new president will replace Meredith Dales, a second-year kinesiology student, who won the February special election.
Dales, who earned an associate degree in art in 2014 and a personal training certificate in 2018, both from AACC, encouraged students to run for SGA offices.
“It’s an opportunity to be of service, and that, in my hopes, would serve whoever it is,” Dales said. “To believe in yourself, to step up and be a leader and be a part of that.”
The election will close on May 2. Campus Current will host a debate for SGA presidential candidates during the week of April 21 if the race is contested.