Photo courtesy of Ellie Jasen
Sixth-year mechatronics student Ellie Jasen found community through the Genders and Sexualities Alliance student club.
When I think of the next four years, I find myself terrified. To think the United States re-elected a felon, and by proxy an administration, who hates people like me.
This new administration has promised to limit healthcare for trans people like me. It would villainize my friends and peers out of sheer, baseless hatred. To think American voters re-elected this president fills my heart with disappointment, fear and rage.
To those of you who feel the same disappointment, fear and rage as I do, know that you are not alone. As this administration aims to chip away at our rights and lives, know that you are not undefended.
If there is one thing we have that has withstood any attack, that cannot be taken away from us, it is community. Our community will endure here at AACC.
The queer community of today finds its roots in adversity. The first Pride march celebrated the first anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, where LGBTQ activists fought bigoted policy. Our community has made so much progress since then, from federal recognition of gay marriage to more accessible trans healthcare. Now these achievements are under attack, and we run the risk of regression.
The only way to prevent this is to work together and support each other, to fight bigoted policy as a community. Our community found its roots in adversity. We will not fall to the same adversity today.
While Donald Trump’s White House spouts nothing but hatred for queer identities, the Genders and Sexualities Alliance—a student club at AACC—will continue to support LGBTQ students.
Other student clubs can offer support and community, too.
As we stare down the barrel of four years of hate, know that you have community. Regardless of policy, we will have solidarity. As this government seeks to villainize us, we have intersectionality. Despite it all, we stand, and we stand strongest together.
Sixth-year mechatronics student Ellie Jasen is the president of the student club Genders and Sexualities Alliance.