Lily Peaper
Moonlight Troopers hosted a haunted theater on Friday.
AACC’s theatrical troupe hosted a haunted theater walkthrough on Friday.
Every 20 minutes, a group of spectators was guided through a transformed Kauffman Theater by members of the Moonlight Troopers, a student club for theater enthusiasts.
“We had multiple meetings where we just sat down with all of these craft materials,” Rachel Harris, a third-year music student and president of Moonlight Troopers, said. “Like, trash and other stuff. And we built all of these scary props.”
“I know we made a lot of burned bones to spell out ‘help,’” Malala Walubita, a first-year theater student, added.
The space was transformed into an abandoned theater. Cobwebs hung on chairs, and bloody scripts littered the floors. There are even some creepy dolls.
“It’s really fun to organize with people who want to be scare actors,” Mikayla French, the show’s producer and second-year theater student, said. “I think we pulled it together really well.”
Harris and Walubita used sound cues to communicate to each scare actor when to pop out at the viewers.
“It was really cool,” Asia Marie Juanla, a second-year psychology student, said. “I’d never gone to something like this before.”
“You can tell they really put a lot of time and work in,” Rachel Boord, a third-year hospitality student, said. “It put me in the spookie-ookie mood.”