Join us on the quad and wear all black from noon to 1 p.m. to show your support.
Jan. 7 Paris, France – Two masked brothers attacked the offices of the French satire publication “Charlie Hebdo.”
The two gunmen chose this target because of the paper’s satirical depiction of the Prophet Muhammad (which is strictly forbidden in Islam). Armed with AK-47s, a shotgun, and a M80 Zolja rocket launcher the assailants calmly and methodically called out specific journalists and cartoonists before executing them.
While making their escape, the gunmen killed two national police officers and shouted “Allahu Akbar”, which is Arabic for, “God is great”.
They then exclaimed “We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad. We have killed “Charlie Hebdo.””
By the end of the attack 12 people were killed and 11 others were wounded.
In the days following the attack the men and women at “Charlie Hebdo” continued work and the publication following the attack sold out 5 million copies which were printed in 6 languages.
The cover of the magazine depicted the Prophet Muhammad with tears in his eyes holding a sign that said “Je suis Charlie”, which means “I am Charlie.” The picture was captioned “All is forgiven.”
These courageous journalists refused to let the malice of these religious fanatics destroy their freedom.
Here at the Campus Current, we believe strongly in our freedom of speech, and admire the courageousness of these men and women. On Monday, January 26th Campus Current will organize a rally to show support of Charlie Hebdo, and the freedom of speech worldwide. Please join us on the quad and wear all black from noon to 1 p.m. to show your support.