Mason Hood
Improv club Co-Presidents Éva Parry, left, and Jason Kalshoven rehearse for their upcoming spring show.
AACC’s student improv club will put on its first solo performance on May 10 and 11.
The Overcast Troupers, which started last fall, will play comedic games and interact with the audience in two, one-hour shows.
“We’re going to try and make the audience laugh, or try and make them feel something of some sort,” Jason Kalshoven, Overcast Troupers co-founder and co-president, said. “Just general goofiness.”
In February, members of the Overcast Troupers performed their first onstage games in between the theater department’s “Black Box Shows.”
Overcast Troupers Co-President Éva Parry said she learned a lot from the club’s introduction to the stage, and she hopes to take those lessons into the first solo performance.
“We definitely learned a lot more about … how people interact in scenes and what different people’s strengths are,” Parry, a first-year history student, said. “That’s something that I hope to continue exploring in preparation for our upcoming show.”
Kalshoven, a second-year film student, agreed.
“We got a better gauge of like, how to, like, play off of laughs and things and react to the audience without actually, like, breaking the reality of a scene,” Kalshoven said.
Parry noted that many improv club members had never been on stage before the Black Box Shows.
“It felt a little bit daunting to get, like, a group of 10 people who had zero experience on stage already to do improv on stage for the first time,” Parry said.
Parry said the Overcast Troupers might try to do more performances next year.
“I think the goal for next year is to maybe try having, like, one or two performances per semester, rather than it being, like, two just in the spring semester,” Parry said.