Mason Hood
AACC is replacing the roofs on the Physical Plant Building and Jenkins Gymnasium because they’re getting old.
AACC is replacing roofs on two buildings—the gym and the Physical Plant Building.
According to Jim Taylor, the executive director of administrative services, the roofs are outdated and not up to par with their warranties. Roofs have a typical warranty of 20 years.
Other roofs on campus have been replaced periodically when the warranty expired.
Renovations began in early March, but will not be finished until June. There is no definitive date for when the renovations will be complete. Some work on the roofs was completed over spring break.
Weather conditions could potentially slow renovations.
The money for the roofs comes from the capital budget, which covers the cost of construction and renovations.
Taylor said the renovations will not affect classes in the gym and Physical Plant Building.
Ali Hassan, a first-year transfer studies student, said he likes seeing work done on the roof renovations because “knowing that money is being invested in my school is always a good feeling.”