Mason Hood
Paramedic student Rachel Gwin, this year's student representative on AACC's Board of Trustees, says she is a voice for the student body.
Students can apply to serve as the next student member of AACC’s Board of Trustees until March 31.
The college’s eight-member Board of Trustees includes one student, who represents the student body, votes on all measures and attends monthly board meetings and community meetings.
The outgoing student trustee, nursing student Rachel Gwin, will finish her one-year term at the end of the semester.
“I believe what makes a good student trustee is someone that has motivation and drive,” Gwin said. “It is a big role. You’re representing your fellow students when you’re making some of the decisions you’re making.”
To qualify for the position, students must be enrolled in credit classes and already have earned 20 credits toward a degree or certificate by July 1. Candidates must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 after this semester.
Student Government Association President Zack Buster said not all community colleges allow their student trustees to vote.
At AACC, Buster, a third-year communications student, said, “When they’re voting to create a new policy, there’s a student there who actually votes on that.”
Gwin, a second-year paramedic student, said the position means other board members hear a student’s perspective about college issues.
“Whenever we’re asked to vote on something or … there’s something we need to read about … I like to think of it from the perspective of, ‘Well, how is this going to affect me as a student?’” Gwin said.
To apply for the position, students must fill out an application at the Nest.