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The testing center at AACC's Glen Burnie Town Center campus has been closed since August and will reopen next semester
Students taking classes at Glen Burnie Town Center will have to travel to AACC’s Arundel Mills or Arnold campus if they want to take final exams in a testing center this semester.
GBTC’s testing center closed for renovations in August and is scheduled to reopen in January before the spring semester begins.
“[Students] can utilize our Arundel Mills location … or they can come down to the main campus and access our services there,” director of testing centers Liz Wulbrecht said. “At the moment, we are hoping that we’ll be able to open in January.”
The renovations will create more services and opportunities to students such as disability accommodations, GED testing and increased capacity, according to Wulbrecht.
The building where AACC has its GBTC campus is owned by Anne Arundel County, which is doing the renovations, which Wulbrecht said will help the college serve students with disabilities at that location.
“There are students who receive accommodations from disability support services where a private testing room is necessary,” Wulbrecht said. “Up until this [renovation] project we didn’t have any of those spaces at Arundel Mills or Glen Burnie. So students had to come to the Arnold campus to receive that accommodation.”
Campus planner Richard Ensor said the renovations will “expand our services and bring [GBTC] in line with the services we can offer at all the rest of our locations.”
The GBTC testing center will expand from eight to 24 seats “so we can test more and provide more services to the community,” Ensor said.
Wulbrecht said the larger center could “help draw more students from the community.”
Owen Peterson, a first-year transfer studies student who takes classes at GBTC, said the closed testing center is “a hassle.”
“If we had a testing center here, I would use it,” Peterson said. “I’m not going to go all the way to the Arnold campus to take my tests. … It would be convenient if we had it.”