AACC students should be aware of rising crime off campus in the winter season, AACC police officers said.
Two notable crimes that can occur during the holidays are car break-ins and petty theft, according to Officer Kimberly Starr.
“During Christmastime … a lot of time [there’s] more potential for robbery because people are carrying more money on them because they’re shopping for gifts,” Starr said.
Starr added: “Don’t leave packages in your car. People will come by and look in your car and [if] they see a package, they may break in.”
According to Police Chief Sean Kapfhammer, crime rates historically rise during the holidays. “Oftentimes crime is on the rise [during the holidays] because … people might be out of work or don’t have money,” Kapfhammer said.
Kapfhammer said students can avoid becoming victims of crime this holiday season by being “aware of your surroundings.”
For example, Kapfkammer said, students should avoid carrying valuables in their hands because “that might make you an easy target.”
Starr added: “During the holidays you need to be vigilant, especially [during] Christmastime.”
Starr said to watch out for holiday scams.
“They [scammers] may use that as a part of a scam to try to get money out of you, you know, saying that [they need] more money for their kids for Christmas,” Starr said.
Kapfhammer added students should be aware of stalkers and pay attention to people who may follow them to their cars.
Kapfhammer said students who feel uneasy on campus can call the Department of Public Safety and Police to request an escort to the parking lot.
“If you need an escort to your car late at night, you don’t feel safe, you can give us a call,” Kapfhammer said.
The Department of Public Safety and Police can be reached at 410-777-1818.
Police say crime rises during winter season
Crime historically rises around the holidays, according to AACC Officer Kimberly Starr.
Divine Mesumbe, Reporter
December 7, 2023