Campus Current archives
Political science professor Dan Nataf is asking students who have dropped classes for their reasons why.
Lack of motivation leads more students to drop classes than any other reason, according to an October survey by the college’s Center for the Study of Local issues.
In fact, the 223 AACC students who took the poll named mental health and “life circumstances” like money issues or family emergencies as main barriers to student success.
Political science professor Dan Nataf, the center’s director, added a student success-focused section to the countywide survey he conducts every semester.
“This [survey] grew out of a certain frustration, trying to understand the contri-bution of different elements to the student’s success or the lack thereof,” Nataf said. “The question in my mind became, ‘What’s the relative contribution of these various elements to … impact them in a negative way and thus make them unable to be successful in their classes?’”
According to Nataf, an average of 25% of students in every class either withdraw or get a failing grade.
Mental health issues and lack of motivation are “both psychological factors,” Nataf said. “It’s harder to, kind of, make sense out of what lack of motivation means, but they did gravitate to that as an answer.”
“This [survey] is pointing to a lot of conflicting obligations,” Nataf said. “Something’s got to give, and then sometimes the class gives, right? So they don’t pass.”
The survey also showed students were unsure what student services AACC offers.