Jamie Goldinger
Students enjoy mocktails while solving a murder mystery game on Thursday
Students enjoyed mocktails while they used clues to solve a murder mystery in a game hosted by the Health and Wellness Center on Thursday.
Students and staff members participated in the “Mocktails and Mystery” event as actors playing characters involved in a murder. The game took place during the prohibition era when drinking was illegal in the US.
Stephanie Jenkins, coordinator of substance misuse, said the theme encouraged students to think about responsible alcohol consumption .
“We don’t want it to be a lecture. But we also want a teachable moment,” Jenkins said. “We want students to take something away from our events. That’s why we played on mystery and mocktails. With our mocktails, we try to play on the fact that if a student chooses not to drink but still wants to feel part of that college community or that campus community, they can go to a party or a bar or restaurant and ask for a cocktail.”
Rachel Harris, a second-year transfer student, said “I really liked all of the little details like notes and drinks being passed amongst the actors.”
Wesley Robertson, a second-year transfer student, said the mystery element “was so much fun.”
Andrea Michelle Melendez Flores, a second-year medicine student, said the “drama” was the best part of the event.