Everett Luoma
Second-year creative writing and psychology student Zoe Sharp is a member of the Swoop Squad and will appear in AACC marketing pieces.
A group of students on campus, called the Swoop Squad, model for AACC’s social media and marketing content in photos and videos.
The group of seven students, run by the Strategic Communications Department, started this semester.
“We were realizing a need for student influencers,” Allison Baumbusch, the creative director for Strategic Communications, said. “We needed to have a pool … of people that we could pull from … who would be willing to be on camera, talk about their experiences, give authentic advice.”
Similar programs inspired the Squad, according to Public Relations Manager Alicia Renehan, like Community College of Baltimore County’s “Fresh Faces.”
Zoё Sharp, a member of the Squad, said all kinds of students should apply to join it.
“The goal is to try to represent as many different types of people on campus,” Sharp, a second-year psychology and creative writing student, said.